தமிழில் சில சொற்கள் தமிழ்ப் பேச தமிழ் எழுத, படிக்க இன்னும் சில தமிழர் பண்பாடு இயல் இசை நாடகம் தமிழர் வரலாறு Image Map

29 May 2012

Pottu [Black Dot]

Traditionally, the area between the eyebrows (where the pottu is placed) is said to be the sixth chakra ajna, the seat of "concealed wisdom". According to followers of Hinduism, this chakra is the exit point for kundalini குண்டலினி  energy. The pottu is said to retain energy and strengthen concentration. It is also said to protect against demons or bad luck. The pottu பொட்டு  also represents the third eye.

In modern times, pottus are worn by women of many religious dispositions in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Red represents honor, love and prosperity, hence it was worn traditionally by women to symbolize this.

The red pottu பொட்டு has multiple meanings which are all valid at the same time. This is also a spiritual symbol.
  • By one simple interpretation it is a cosmetic mark used to enhance beauty.
  • From Vedic times, the pottu பொட்டு was created as a means to worship one's intellect. Therefore it was used by both men and women. The worship of intellect was in order to use it to ensure our thoughts, speech, actions, habits and ultimately our character becomes pure. A strong intellect can help one to make noble decisions in life, be able to stand up to challenges in life with courage, and recognize and welcome good thoughts in life. The belief was that on this a strong individual, a strong family and strong society can be formed.
  • In meditation, this very spot between the eyebrows is where one focuses his/her sight, so that it helps concentration. Most images of Buddha or Hindu divinities in meditative pose with their eyes nearly closed show the gaze focused between eyebrows.
Swami Muktanand writes 'auspicious Kumkum குங்குமம் or sandal wood சந்தனம் paste is applied (between the eyebrows) out of respect for inner Guru. It is the Guru's seat. There is a chakra (center of spiritual energy within human body) here called Ajna chakra meaning 'Command center'. Here you receive the Guru's command to go higher in Sadhana (spiritual practice) to the 'Sahasraar' (seventh and final chakra) which leads to Self realization. The flame seen at the eyebrow is called 'Guru Jyoti'  . 
The encyclopedic dictionary of Yoga informs that this 'Ajna Chakra' is also called the 'Third eye'. This center is connected with the sacred syllable 'Om' and presiding it is 'ParaaShiva'. After activation of this center, the aspirant overcomes 'Ahamkar' (ego or sense of individuality), the last hurdle on the path of spirituality. 

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